Judge Takeshi Yasuda gave the premier award to "The Space Between" by Louise Rive. Two other works "Three Women, Vessels" handmade vessel forms and "Art Diary" which comprises three intensely glaze painted jugs were also exhibited at Te Uru.
"Rive’s winning work was one of her three entries that were included in the show and all were stunning in their vibrancy and execution. The Space Between, a figurative work about, as she put it, an ongoing conversation with self, was a depiction of photographer Diane Arbus’ quote that attempted to describe the gap between who someone is and who they think they are. This may seem a little weighty for ceramics but it is skilfully illustrated by the hard-to-read expression on the larger figure’s face – was it derisive, distrusting, disconcerted or simply grieved? The mien is almost passive and that mouth – neither smiling nor scornful but also not relaxed gives but little away. Looking down, perhaps pensively, at the drooping figure of herself she clasps in her hand, the space between is immeasurable. It’s a deserving win.” … Excerpt from Moyra Elliott's review of the Portage Ceramic awards 2014 which was judged by Takeshi Yasuda.
Three Women. Vessels. Louise Rive White earthenware clay with stains painted into glaze and fired to cone 4. 30 x 28 x 20 cm
Three Women. Vessels. Louise Rive
Art Diary by Louise Rive
Art Diary by Louise Rive Beauty seen is not forgotten. Stains painted into glaze, fired to cone 4. 23 x 40 x 20 cm
3 works by Louise Rive in the Portage Ceramic Awards 2014. Central is the Premier Award winning "The Space Between", flanked by two other works by Louise Rive, "Three Women" and "Art Diary" in the Portage Ceramic Awards 2014 Exhibition.